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Our Collaborators

Dr. Mariel Miller is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership studies (University of Victoria) Dr. Miller's research centres on the intersection of learning, teaching, and technology, with an emphasis on social aspects of learning. Dr. Miller is a collaborator on our SSHRC Partnership Development Grant [Jason Harley (PI); Hadwin (Co-Director)] Supporting teams’ management of cognitive and emotional processes. Read More...
Dr. Paweena Sukhawathanakul is an Assistant Professor in psychology at the University of Victoria. Dr. Sukhawathanakul was a post-doc on our SSHRC Partnership Grant [Sherry Stewart (PI); Hadwin (CO-PI)]: Univenture: A Partnership to Address Heavy Drinking and Other Substance Misuse on Canadian University Campuses, and is now a collaborator on that research. Read more...
Dr. Phillip Winne is a Professor Emeritus in Educational Psychology at Simon Fraser University . Dr. Winne’s interests focus on self-regulated learning, metacognition, motivation, study tactics and learning strategies, adaptive software for researching and promoting self-regulated learning. Dr. Winne is a collaborator on our SSHRC Partnership Grant [Sherry Stewart (PI); Hadwin (CO-PI)]: Univenture: A Partnership to Address Heavy Drinking and Other Substance Misuse on Canadian University Campuses. Read more...
Dr. Sanna Järvelä is a professor in the field of learning and educational technology and a head of the Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit in the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oulu in Finland. Dr. Järvelä iand her team have long standing collaborations with our PAR-IT research team. Her current interests focus on self-regulated learning and computer-supported collaborative learning. Read more...
Dr. Sherry Stewart is a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience , and Community Health and Epidemiology. Dr. Stewart studies the role of psychological factors (e.g., personality, motives) in contributing to addictive behaviors including alcohol use, prescription drug misuse, and excessive gambling. Dr. Stewart is the PI on our SSHRC Partnership Grant [Sherry Stewart (PI); Hadwin (CO-PI)]: Univenture: A Partnership to Address Heavy Drinking and Other Substance Misuse on Canadian University Campuses. Read more...
Dr. Jason Harley is a is an Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery, McGill University, a Scientist at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC-RI), Associate Member of the Institute for Health Sciences Education, and Director of the Simulation, Affect, Innovation, Learning, and Surgery (SAILS) Laboratory. Dr Harley is the PI on our SSHRC Partnership Development Grant [Jason Harley (PI); Hadwin (Co-Director)] Supporting teams’ management of cognitive and emotional processes. Read more...