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Past Grad Students




Dr. Sarah Davis (2021), Co-Founder, Flowerstone Learning Services

Dissertation Title: Optimizing mental health for student success at university: A case for self-regulated learning. Link

Dr. Aishah Bakhtiar (2019), Adjunct Researcher (University of Tasmania)

Dissertation Title: Regulating self, others’ and group motivation in online collaboration. Link

Dr. Elizabeth Webster (2019), Student Success Consultant for Institutions & Individuals (Self-employed)

Dissertation Title: Regulating emotions in computer-supported collaborative problem-solving tasks. Link

Dr. Mariel Miller (2015), Director of Technology Integrated Learning & Adjunct Assistant Professor (UVic)

Dissertation Title: Leveraging CSCL technology to support and research shared task perceptions in socially shared regulation of learning. Link

Dr. Lindsay McCardle (2015), Manager of User Experience Research at D2L

Dissertation Title: Self-regulated learning in and across sport and academic domains. Link




Sarah Greco (MED), 2021

Hager Yousif (MED), 2021

Mengqi (Annie) Wu (MA), 2021. Thesis Title: Culture and Self-regulated learning: Exploring cultural influences on Chinese international and Canadian domestic undergraduate students’ engagement in self-regulated learning. Link

Jiexing Hu (MA), 2021. Thesis Title: How does the quality of planning contribute to group performance and challenge perceptions under three computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) conditions. Link

Devon McDonald (MED), 2018

Priyanka Sharma (MED), 2018

Rebecca Edwards (MA), 2018. Thesis Title: Exploring novice engineers’ mental models of collaboration and engineering design. Link

Shayla Starcheski (MA), 2018. Thesis Title: Exploring the strategic potential of roles for collaboration. Link

Yushu (Sherry) Huang (MA), 2017. Thesis Title: Academic challenges and strategies: an SRL comparison of Canadian-domestic and Chinese-international students’ transition to university. Link

Allison Dewis (MED), 2012

Stephanie Helm (MA), 2011. Thesis Title: An Exploration of elementary students’ task understanding: how do young students understand the school activities they are assigned? Link

Amy Gendron (MA), 2011. Thesis Title: Active procrastination, self-regulated learning and academic achievement in university undergraduates. Link

Elizabeth Webster (MA), 2010. Thesis Title: The emotional experiences of university students: exploring the role of achievement emotions in self-regulated learning. Link

Mariel Miller (MA), 2009. Thesis Title: Predicting university students’ performance of a complex task: does task understanding moderate the influence of self-efficacy? Link

Mika Oshige (MA), 2009. Thesis Title: Exploring task understanding in self-regulated learning: task understanding as a predictor of academic success in undergraduate students. Link

Meghann Fior (MA), 2008. Thesis Title: Self and collective efficacy as correlates of group participation: A comparison of structured and unstructured computer-supported collaborative learning conditions. Link

Rachel Morris (MA), 2008. Thesis Title: The effectiveness of roles, scripts and prompts in promoting reading comprehension during computer-supported collaborative learning. Link

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