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Past Grad Students
Dr. Ramin Rostampour (2024). Latent insights into the measurement of academic challenges: An examination of perceived academic challenges scale. [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. University of Victoria.
Dr. Meg Kapil (2024). Doing well and feeling well: Investigating the contributions of two stress related appraisals and regulatory practices on student success outcomes. [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. University of Victoria. Link
Dr. Sarah Davis (2021), Co-Founder, Flowerstone Learning Services
Dissertation Title: Optimizing mental health for student success at university: A case for self-regulated learning. Link
Dr. Aishah Bakhtiar (2019), Adjunct Researcher (University of Tasmania)
Dissertation Title: Regulating self, others’ and group motivation in online collaboration. Link
Dr. Elizabeth Webster (2019), Student Success Consultant for Institutions & Individuals (Self-employed)
Dissertation Title: Regulating emotions in computer-supported collaborative problem-solving tasks. Link
Dr. Mariel Miller (2015), Director of Technology Integrated Learning & Adjunct Assistant Professor (UVic)
Dissertation Title: Leveraging CSCL technology to support and research shared task perceptions in socially shared regulation of learning. Link
Dr. Lindsay McCardle (2015), Manager of User Experience Research at D2L
Dissertation Title: Self-regulated learning in and across sport and academic domains. Link
Masters’ with Thesis
Paular, R. (2023). Examining the contributions of coping self-efficacy and help-seeking behaviour on academic performance. [Unpublished master’s thesis] University of Victoria.
Nie, M. (2023). Examining goal orientations, goal setting, and motivation challenges from a self-regulated learning perspective. [Unpublished master’s thesis] University of Victoria.
Hood, M. (2022). COVID-19 stress and middle school students’ engagement and school aversion: examining the mediational roles of emotion regulation and perceptions of school climate. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Victoria [I was co-supervisor].
Bahena-Olivares, L. M. (2022). Investigating Time Estimation from a Self-Regulated Learning Perspective. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Victoria [I was co-supervisor].
Timish, F.T. (2021). Cultural adaptation in international students: Proposing the goal-opportunity model of acculturation (GOMA),and developing and exploring the cultural fit questionnaire (CFQ). [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Victoria [I was acting co-supervisor for Martin for 2020-2021].
Mengqi (Annie) Wu (MA), 2021. Thesis Title: Culture and Self-regulated learning: Exploring cultural influences on Chinese international and Canadian domestic undergraduate students’ engagement in self-regulated learning. Link
Jiexing Hu (MA), 2021. Thesis Title: How does the quality of planning contribute to group performance and challenge perceptions under three computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) conditions. Link
Rebecca Edwards (MA), 2018. Thesis Title: Exploring novice engineers’ mental models of collaboration and engineering design. Link
Shayla Starcheski (MA), 2018. Thesis Title: Exploring the strategic potential of roles for collaboration. Link
Yushu (Sherry) Huang (MA), 2017. Thesis Title: Academic challenges and strategies: an SRL comparison of Canadian-domestic and Chinese-international students’ transition to university. Link
Stephanie Helm (MA), 2011. Thesis Title: An Exploration of elementary students’ task understanding: how do young students understand the school activities they are assigned? Link
Amy Gendron (MA), 2011. Thesis Title: Active procrastination, self-regulated learning and academic achievement in university undergraduates. Link
Elizabeth Webster (MA), 2010. Thesis Title: The emotional experiences of university students: exploring the role of achievement emotions in self-regulated learning. Link
Mariel Miller (MA), 2009. Thesis Title: Predicting university students’ performance of a complex task: does task understanding moderate the influence of self-efficacy? Link
Mika Oshige (MA), 2009. Thesis Title: Exploring task understanding in self-regulated learning: task understanding as a predictor of academic success in undergraduate students. Link
Meghann Fior (MA), 2008. Thesis Title: Self and collective efficacy as correlates of group participation: A comparison of structured and unstructured computer-supported collaborative learning conditions. Link
Rachel Morris (MA), 2008. Thesis Title: The effectiveness of roles, scripts and prompts in promoting reading comprehension during computer-supported collaborative learning. Link
Masters’ without Thesis
Brodie Drake (MED), 2024
Alex Warrington (MED), 2024
InTing (Kathleen) Hung (MED), 2024
Nina Kanapi (MED), 2024
Anika Habib (MED), 2024
Yu Lu (MED), 2023
Safoura Askari (MED), 2023
Gareth Davies (MED), 2022
Sarah Greco (MED), 2021
Hager Yousif (MED), 2021
Devon McDonald (MED), 2018
Priyanka Sharma (MED), 2018
Allison Dewis (MED), 2012