Current Grad Students & Post-doc Collaborators

Ramin Rostampour (Post-Doc)
Ramin joined the TIE lab in 2018 and he is now a Post-Doc in the Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, and the Department of Psychology, University of Victoria on the Univenture project: A partnership to address heavy drinking and other substance misuse on Canadian university campuses. . Ramin's research interest broadly lies in researching the differential psychology of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) from a unified, person-centred, and process-oriented perspective. For this purpose, he eagerly employs statistical and analytical methods that facilitate a non-reductionist study of learning and self-regulation. His current post doc focuses on The Relationships of Personality and Alcohol and Substance Use to Student Success Among Canadian Undergraduates .

Dr. Meg Kapil (Research Collaborator)
Meg continues to collaborate with our team on research at the intersect of mental health and well-being, emotion regulation, and self-regulated learning. Meg completed her PhD in Educational Psychology (2024) under the supervision of Dr. Allyson Hadwin. She also has an MA in Counselling Psychology at the University of Victoria. Her dissertation examined the contributions of two stress related appraisals and regulatory practices on student success outcomes. Overall, she is interested in the interleaving of mental health, emotion regulation and self-regulated learning for optimizing student success (doing well and feeling well). .

Maria Amoros Teijeiro (Ph.D Student)
Maria is a research assistant on our SSHRC Partnership Development Grant [Jason Harley (PI); Hadwin (Co-Director)] Supporting teams’ management of cognitive and emotional processes. Maria is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership studies working under the supervision of Dr. Allyson Hadwin. Her research leverages daily diary sampling to examining on self-regulated learning triggers and strategic responses as they unfold over successive independent studying sessions.

Weiyi Liu (MA Student)
Weiyi Liu is currently a third-year MA student under the supervision of Dr. Allyson Hadwin at the University of Victoria. Weiyi completed her undergraduate studies in Psychology at McGill University. After gaining valuable experience through a one-year co-op placement with the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Ministry of Environment, Weiyi returned to school to continue her thesis research. Her current research focuses on the interplay between self-evaluation, self-efficacy, and goal attainment in self-regulated learning (SRL). Specifically, her thesis investigates how mastering proximal goals can inform and enhance SRL strategies, contributing to a better understanding of how students achieve academic success..

Nazanin Babaei (Research Assistant)
Naz is a research assistant on the Univenture project: A partnership to address heavy drinking and other substance misuse on Canadian university campuses. Naz is also a master’s student in the Clinical Neuropsychology program at the University of Victoria. She completed her Master of Science degree in Kinesiology at York University, where she investigated the effects of online interventions for distressing memories. Naz’s research interests include but are not limited to the effect of complex trauma on cognition, substance use, and immigrant and refugee trauma. She is passionate about expanding her knowledge of the cognitive outcomes of different types of traumas to better inform her future academic and clinical practice. In her free time, Naz enjoys painting, kickboxing, and playing the drums.”.

Victoria Johnston (MA Student)
Victoria is an MA student in the Department of Educational Psychology an Leadership studies. She is supervised byDr. Allyson Hadwin. Victoria's research focuses on the role of self-regulated learning practices in mediating the relationship between conscientiousness and academic procrastination.

Michelle Bahena Olivares (Past MA Student)
Michelle Bahena-Olivares was co-supervised by Dr. Sungjun Won and Dr. Allyson Hadwin. She has a Master's degree in Neuropsychology and is currently part of the TIE-SRL research lab. She collaborated with our research team on multiple projects including a her recent publication on Task Understanding and SRL in Metacognition and Learning. Her MA thesis focused on self-regulated learning, and students' time estimation during study sessions. Michelle is also involved in research about academic challenges and strategy use in post-secondary education.