Accepted AERA papers conference presentation this April 2022
Sukhawathanakul, P., Hadwin, A., Rostampour, R., Bahena Olivares, M., & Shostak, K. (April 2022). Studying Under Stress: The effect of COVID-19 psychological distress on academic experiences of post-secondary students. Roundtable session at the Virtual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
Hadwin, A.F., Rostampour, R., & Bahena Olivares, M. (April 2022). Self-regulated Learning Profile and Self-Diagnostic Tool (SRL-PSD-2021).Roundtable session at the Virtual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
Bahena Olivares, M., Hadwin, A.F., Rostampour, R., Smith, P., & Drake, B.J. (April 2022). Modelling the unique contribution of task understanding on academic performance (SRL-PSD-2021). Poster presentation at the Virtual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
Bahena-Olivares, L. M. & Won S., (April 2022) Time estimation from a self-regulated learning perspective. Paper presentation at the Virtual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
Won, S., Kapil, M. E., Drake, B. J., & Paular, R. A. (April 2022). Investigating the role of academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy in online learning. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference.