We are pleased to announce that a visiting scholar from the University of Twente, Marijn Wijga, is visiting the TIE lab from July 1 to July 14. Marijn’s visit is sponsored by the European Association for Research in Leaning and Instruction (EARLI) through the EARLI Mentoring Grant.

Marijn’s PhD project focuses on the extent to which self- and social regulated learning of team members in organizations enhance team innovation. A longitudinal mixed method design is used to study individual employees and teams while working at innovative products over a period of time to assess how the dynamic interaction between team self- and social regulation in relation to team innovativeness changes over time. Broadly, however, Marijn’s research interest is in understanding how individual and context characteristics influence individuals’ opportunity to realize their potential.
We have a lot activities scheduled for Marijn’s visit. One of them is a presentation by Marijn herself on her research work, scheduled on July 10 from 1.30 to 2.30pm (Location to be announced). Feel free to contact us if you are interested in connecting with Marijn.